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Be Informed About New Car Warranties

A warranty is a guarantee made to the consumer by the seller for a product that is sold. When a warranty pertains to a car, it is a contract that will provide coverage for the cost of repair and replacement of specific parts of the car for a certain amount of time.

New car warranties offer a variety of benefits. When a consumer purchases a car from a manufacturer, they receive a guarantee that if there are problems such as mechanical failures or defects, the cost to replace or repair those parts will be covered by the warranty. There are two types of new car warranties. The powertrain warranty covers the parts of the car that make it run, while a bumper-to-bumper warranty covers the parts of the car from the back bumper to the front bumper.

New car warranties provide motorists with peace of mind when they get those daunting repair bills from their mechanic.

Posted on Wednesday, June 11th, 2014 at 2:40 pm In New Car Warranties  

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