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Look For Fraudulent Warranty


Buying a warranty for a car can be very risky if you are not aware of the regulations and rules of the warranty. Under these situations it is advised to the owner of the car to hire a professional car consultant who can guide you when you are ready to purchase a warranty. If the owner of the car decide to get the warranty by him or herself then there are chances that they may face the fraudulent warranties. Fraudulent warranty refers to those warranties, which have many features with best price attached to them but in reality the provider of these warranties do not pay any heed in the direction of delivering the services mentioned in the warranty.
Fraudulent warranty is pretty common in the used car market. Therefore, purchasers of used car warranty have to be very cautious when they are going to purchase an after-market auto warranty. After-market auto warranty is also known as used car warranty. Because of these fraudulent auto warranties the US administration has made the law, which guard the concern of the customers. The law of after-market auto warranty is also known as lemon law because of its protective nature.

Posted on Monday, December 31st, 2007 at 2:29 pm In Auto Warranty  

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