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Hybrid Benefits?

The US government is giving benefits to hybrid car drivers

gas pricesIf beautiful aesthetics, clean design, and lower gas prices aren’t enough, the US Government is resorting to bribery to encourage hybrid use.

In the United States, Prius drivers can use a carpool lane in some places even when no one else is in the car. No matter where they’re driving, they coast down the road in a whisper-quiet hum unlike anything else. Best of all, even if no one likes admitting it, they get to enjoy the cool-kid cachet that comes with being an early adopter of a fad. No other vehicle has had a recurring role on the TV show "Curb Your Enthusiasm."

You can expect to see more of these vehicles on the road in the coming months.  In fact, if gas prices continue to rise, we may just see the hybrid age a year or two ahead of expectations.

Posted on Thursday, February 9th, 2006 at 6:14 am In Auto Warranty  

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