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Ford Faces Tough Times

Ford endured a first quarter loss and more may be coming.

auto newsJust yesterday gas was going for $2.85 a gallon in the city where I live.  And I’m not talking about the premium stuff.  We all know that it will continue to climb as summer approaches.  Right now there is talk of $4.00 a gallon in the near future!  

This is definitely not good for our wallets.  It is also not good news for Ford.  The automaker just posted a $1.19 billion first quarter loss.  The company has a lot of problems right now, but the one that directly correlates with the high gas prices is the fact that they have been heavily dependent on their SUVs for years.  Ford’s SUVs, along with its F-series trucks, have been bailing out the companies weak car sales for years now.  

Ford’s CEO, Bill Ford Jr. seems to be ready to turn the company around inspite of gas prices:

"Three months in, we are in the very early stages of this strategy to transform the way we do business, down to its very core," said chairman and CEO Bill Ford Jr.

However, as gas goes higher they may see declining SUV sales as motorists turn to smaller vehicles with better fuel economies.  Their F-series trucks will also have to face some new competition as GM and Toyota take aim at them with their new truck offerings.

See Also

Posted on Monday, April 24th, 2006 at 2:41 am In Auto Warranty  

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