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Alliance Rumors shake the auto world

Looks like GM and Toyota Will not work together

Last week a story broke about a hopeful alliance between Toyota and GM. The alliance would combat the Nissan-GM-Renault deal. However, Toyota has now denied all reports of the GM partnership.

Toyota and GM have already been working together in a "partnership" for a few years. But, the partnership had nothing to do with business, they  were trying to co-develop fuel cells, and that relationship supposedly has ended.

But as for a new business relationship between GM and Toyota, that does not seem too likely.

"They haven’t approached us, and we haven’t approached them," the Toyota executive told the News.

I Think before anyone needs to risk their own necks for GM, GM really needs to show some improvement. GM is still suffering and it would not be the best business decision to risk a healthy company for a company that’s a few billion in red ink. 

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Posted on Monday, July 17th, 2006 at 6:07 am In Auto Warranty  

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