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2 Different Types Of Extended Auto Warranties

There are two main types of extended auto warranties. There are the auto warranties that are purchased from an aftermarket auto warranty company, and then there are auto warranties that are backed by a manufacturer.

An extended auto warranty that is purchased from an aftermarket auto warranty company is generally cheaper. In addition, this type of auto warranty generally varies in quality and price. This depends upon which company you decided to purchase from. This makes it essential to do research on different companies and warranties before making a final purchase.

An extended auto warranty that is backed by a manufacturer usually includes a wide variety of services and repairs. Repairs that are done on your car are generally performed in a dealership that has been approved by the manufacturer. This means that you will generally not experience any problems when going to get the repairs done.

Always do your research before choosing where you want to get your auto warranty from. Compare and contrast a wide variety of warranties for both quality and price before making any final decisions.

Posted on Wednesday, July 31st, 2013 at 10:51 am In Aftermarket Auto Warranty  

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