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Auto Warranty – How to drive about it

Yes, we know your mind was racing right when you were leaving the showroom, after you looked out of the window of that which is now yours. Or maybe the same old wheel you feel so dearly attached to, that was at some time, as it still is, more than just a vehicle.

An auto industry offers several auto warranty packages. A warranty may extend as minimum as a year up to five years (though a three-year period is the most common amidst all) generally covering a mileage of 36000. It covers for wear-and-tears, breakdowns and over-heating. You can also get an extended warranty that covers the period when the original warranty period expires.  It offers coverage for mechanical and body problems that comes after its long usages.

Additionally, these auto warranties can be applied for, over a phone call or respective online services.

Posted on Thursday, May 3rd, 2007 at 9:15 pm In Auto Warranty  

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