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Car Warranties

Car warranty offers maintenance and repair services provided by the seller in association with the third party dealer. The car warranty includes maintenance and repairs of power train, engines, break mechanism, steering system, and drive train. Dealer issue the car warranty at the delivering time of the car from a shop. Car owner finalized the car warranty in cooperation with a car dealer.  

Car dealer has to offer at least 5 different car packages warranty to the owner of the car for his review. Usually, dealers tend to drag third party dealers of their own choice for the dealings and offers. You should neglect such offers because they might include some hidden costs. Car warranty is a kind of another insurance for your car.  

If the dealer of a car, does not offer multiple packages then you should insist to offer more to them. If still he shows inability to provide you with different schemes and warranty packages, then you should insist on purchasing one from other dealers or market. It becomes mandatory for the car dealer to get you a package of warranty from open market. Under the law of US, any dealer, if delivers any vehicle from a showroom without any warranty, is punishable by law. This warranty is another insurance.   

Posted on Wednesday, December 12th, 2007 at 6:03 pm In Auto Warranty  

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