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Choose a warranty that suits every need of your car

Auto warranty is a guarantee given to the customer by the vehicle manufacturer stating that the car works free of problems for a fixed period of time that is mentioned in the warranty and any damage incurred in the car during that period will be repaired at free of cost. These auto warranties are given by the vehicle dealer on behalf of the vehicle manufacturer. There are many types of auto warranties , before choosing to buy a warranty, care should be taken that you choose the right warranty that suits every need of your car.
The most important factor that influences an auto warranty is the validity period. They are available in three basic types 1) a short-term auto warranty which are valid for a period of 3 months to 12 months. 2) A mid term auto warranty which is valid for a period of about one to two years and 3) finally the long term warranty which is valid for a period of more than three years. The warranty period should be carefully chosen according to your use. The other factors are the coverage, reliability of the auto dealer and the cost of the warranty.

Posted on Thursday, December 27th, 2007 at 8:55 pm In Auto Warranty  

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