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Different Types of Vehicle Auto Warranties

There are many types of vehicle auto warranties in the automotive market. One of the most important vehicle auto warranty to consider is, the aftermarket vehicle auto warranty or commonly known as extended auto warranty. These warranties cover what is missing in other vehicle auto warranties. As a consumer these extended warranties can be expensive, thus depending upon a consumer’s budget will depend upon whether an extended warranty will be purchased in addition to the purchasing of a vehicle. Please be aware when purchasing a new vehicle, a consumer should not be asked to pay for a new vehicle auto warranty by the car dealer. This warranty is automatically covered by the manufacturer. If additional coverage is required beyond the manufacturer warranty the consumer should purchase the aftermarket vehicle auto warranty.
The aftermarket auto warranty will cover manufacturing faults and repairs for additional 3 years beyond the manufacturer auto warranty for a new vehicle or for a used vehicle it will cover manufacturing faults or repairs beyond what the car dealer offers. The aftermarket auto warranty is valid after the initial auto warranty has expired or lapsed and not prior to the vehicle auto warranty purchased initially with the vehicle.

Posted on Monday, December 10th, 2007 at 7:49 pm In Aftermarket Auto Warranty  

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