Get the real value
We tend to strain our budget while buying a used car. So, it is necessary to keep a few things in mind while purchasing a used car from an individual seller. One should be as careful with buying a used car as if they with purchasing a house.
Precaution will guarantee that you are not cheated against buying a car that could be a financial nightmare. Proper terms and conditions should be read, as well as guidelines should be followed before the payment for the purchase is made. It should be checked that the used car fulfills all your requirements and maintains its resale value.
Always check that the car suits your expectations from its outer appearance and inner machineries. A car that has been declared as trash by some agencies and now rebuilt should not be considered at all. The authenticity of the registration plate, engine number and vehicle identification number should be ensured by checking the registration papers, log books and owner purchase papers. Make sure there are no signs of rust and repair on its body. The base of the car from underneath should be straight and clean. It would be ideal to have a mechanic check the engine and other mechanical parts. Make sure that the interior is clean and is not damaged in any manner.