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Smart Car Is Seeking More Exposure

images-18.jpgDespite the fact that people in the U.S. have to wait at least one year on a waiting list for a Smart car, Smart is planning to go back to the Chicago Auto Show in February.

Smart hasn’t had a show exhibit since back in 2005, before it was even for sale in the U.S.  So, why is Smart going to spend money to get the word out when it appears that they word is out there already, and quite good?

This is particularly surprising since other small carmakers, such as Suzuki and Porsche have had to drop out of the Detroit auto show in order to save money.  Even several carmakers that are major have had to cut back there amount of exhibit space on the auto circuit.

So why does Smart need to generate added interest when they already have a waiting list a year long?

They claim that some areas of America have a year’s wait for a car, however in other areas it’s less.  They want people to continue making reservations forever.

Smart will likely have continued success because people are looking for small, affordable cars with a good auto warranty.

Posted on Saturday, August 30th, 2008 at 12:26 pm In Auto Warranty  

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