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Vehicle auto warranties and repairs

In some states vehicle auto warranties are not required by law and therefore some consumers do not purchase them due to budget constraints or other various reasons. However, the consumer who does not purchase an auto warranty, when it comes time for repairs or servicing the vehicle owner may be out of pocket by $100’s of dollars. Depending upon the repair required on the vehicle, it may have been cheaper to purchase vehicle auto warranties. Vehicle auto warranties, also known as vehicle insurance generally covers the consumer against manufacturing faults and accidental damages. It doesn’t cover day to day wear and tear of the vehicle.

If you do not purchase vehicle auto warranties or extended warranties, the cost of repair although minimal at the time can work out to be quite expensive, especially if you find you are having a lot of vehicle trouble. You maybe out of pocket up to $500 per repair, but if you are taking your vehicle in for repairs say two to three times a year, the total cost to you would be somewhere in the range of $1500 per year. The money saved from purchasing a vehicle auto warranty can be better spent on other expenses.

Posted on Monday, December 10th, 2007 at 7:55 pm In Auto Warranty  

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