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Why Should You Avoid Driving In Reverse?

images-83.jpgDue to the poor economy, everyone is looking for tips on how to save gas.  One easy thing that motorists can do is to avoid using reverse, if it isn’t necessary.  One example of this is when you are in a parking lot at the grocery store or mall.  Just by pulling through the parking space so that your car is facing out, you can save a small amount of gas.  This allows you to pull forward when it’s time to leave.  This tip isn’t going to save you hundreds of dollars, however, little fuel-conscious actions add up.

Why is it so bad to back up?  Think about it in these terms.  Is it any fun creeping through parking lots in first gear?  Absolutely not, and using low gears are terrible for fuel-efficiency.  Reverse also gets poor fuel-economy, and most of the time you’re pointlessly covering the same territory that you already covered.

For instance, if you back up and pull forward, you’re driving twice the amount of just pulling out of your parking space and driving off.  This might appear to be insignificant, but if you use better driving habits over the course of a year, they will give you great savings.

Motorists often only look at the obvious ways that they can save money on driving expenses, such as buying used car warranties, carpooling, and driving less.  But, following easy gas saving tips will save you big in the end.

Posted on Wednesday, July 29th, 2009 at 4:08 pm In Used Car Warranties  

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