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Car Technology To Look For In The Future

images-69.jpgMore and more cars are being loaded with high-tech advances.  In fact, some luxury car models have up to 80 switches and knobs to allow for advanced safety and comfort of motorists.  Yet, there are more high-tech gadgets coming onto the market.

Soon there will be sign recognition systems that will be able to read wrong-way signs and speed limits.  This will come on the market in 2009-2010.

Cameras could replace sideview mirrors in the future.  Images would be displayed on the rearview mirrors on the edges, or on the instrument panel.

We may see chatty cars in the future.  Developers are trying to create a network that would monitor signals from car systems and warn other cars.  For example, skidding due to slick roads could be transmitted to warn other drivers.

Bumper bags could help SUVs be less deadly when hitting a low-riding car.  This has been shown to reduce intrusions and cause less injuries.

High-tech gadgets are great for motorists, but only if they learn how to use them before getting on the road.  In addition, with any new technology, drivers should have an auto warranty to protect themselves from technology failure.

Posted on Saturday, April 18th, 2009 at 5:58 pm In Auto Warranty  

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