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Auto warranty tips to keep at heart when choosing your car



Never trust a salesperson’s words especially when it comes to an auto warranty.  Why?  Quite simply because a wolf will always be a wolf regardless of the clothes he wears; likewise a salesman will always be a salesman even if it’s your favorite uncle trying to sell you his used car, he too winds up being nothing more than a salesman trying to get his car sold.  The point is, people will make promises and give their words without written contracts to get their vehicles sold. But at the end of a sale, without a binding agreement for that individual to stand the cost of repairs or to uphold whatever other promise he or she had made, you would not have a fighting chance to hold them to their words.


It is common habit for any dealer to provide with the sale of a car a vehicle guide that should include any and all agreements made and contracts sold with the car.  It is a very good idea to read this carefully when you agree to buy a car, or at least for the least to hold on to a copy of this – auto warranty tip number two!

Posted on Wednesday, July 4th, 2007 at 9:43 am In New Car Warranties  

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