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What is there to know about After Market Auto Warranty

Most of the manufacturers of a vehicle offer a warranty with the purchase of the vehicle. Unfortunately the warranty is limited to a certain time period or a limit of mileage. After the manufacturers warranty expires all the repairing and unexpected breakdown costs have to be paid by the buyer of the vehicle. Maintenance cost keeps on rising higher and higher and you need to keep shelling out money to pay for the repairs. In such cases the best option is an After Market Auto Warranty. The aftermarket auto warranty program takes effect when the warranty period of the new car expires. With this aftermarket auto warranty program, various dealers of auto companies have experienced significant customer growth.

Many think that car insurance can fulfill this purpose, but this is not the case. Most of the car insurances cover costs in case of an accident and have an entirely separate option of maintenance and repair coverage. Opting for an After Market Auto Warranty seems to be an intelligent choice since these warranties can actually get you a discounted cost on repairs or spare parts that need to be replaced, which will save you more money in the long run.


Posted on Friday, July 13th, 2007 at 8:47 pm In Aftermarket Auto Warranty  

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