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Get your used car warranted

A person may think “why to spend money on a used car and get it under a warranty?”. However, used cars are more prone to break downs than the new cars. The car warranty can provide you with a cushion so that you may continue enjoying the benefits without spending much on its maintenance and servicing. Car warranty for used car provides an added safety.  The warranty acts like a safety because the amount of money spent in getting the warranty done is in most cases much less than that required in maintaining a car and getting the car’s faults corrected.

When you purchase a car you can ask the car dealer to provide you with information on the companies that deal in used car warranty. You can directly visit company and after a few formalities are fulfilled you are provided with a warranty certificate. The warranty certificate acts as a proof that your car is under warranty. During the warranty period, if there is any fault that you want to get corrected, you can get it done for free, or the money spent in getting the car repairing is reimbursed on producing the bill.

Posted on Friday, August 24th, 2007 at 8:14 pm In Used Car Warranties  

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