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Warranty against loss

All products sold to consumers are covered by a scheme under which the manufacturer promises replacement of faulty spare parts or the entire product. The scheme is called warranty. The replacement of the faulty product will be done only if the defect is detected within the warranty period specified. The warranty period ranges between two to three years depending on the product. The warranty is also extended to cars in two formats. The first fort is new car warranty and the second warranty is called used car warranty. It is basically a warranty against loss.

New car warranty means warranty issued to brand new cars and used car warranty means warranty issued to pre-owned cars. The used car warranty is also called as after-market warranty. Used car warranty is costlier when compared to new car warranty since the risks are greater. A factor going against the used car is its extensive prior use. The services and features offered under used car warranty are less when compared to a new car warranty.

It is better to consult a warranty expert before purchasing a used car warranty since the circulation of fraudulent warranty is more in the market. Review at least five different warranty offers before finalizing the deal with the agency.

Posted on Tuesday, September 4th, 2007 at 1:22 pm In Used Car Warranties  

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