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Rest with no worries about future

During the purchase of any product, we look for a good warranty so that in case of any future repairs or issues, we will be able to get it rectified. This is typically given by the manufacturer or the dealers who also provide after sales service. Similarly, when going in for purchase of cars, one needs to note the auto warranty clause mentioned in the sales document. This will give the buyer an idea of what all is covered and what are the repairs to be done by the buyer himself. Damage caused to the exterior, such as paint or door handle will be covered and taken care. Similarly any accident that causes damage to the paint job or gasket will also be mentioned and so the repairs will be dealt with by the authorized service centers.
In case of auto warranty, one other factor to remember is the duration of the warranty itself. It should be for a minimum of two years for a new car and at least one for a used car. This will give the buyer a reassurance that he can buy and use the car and be worry free incases of any accidents or sudden repairs.

Posted on Friday, September 7th, 2007 at 1:33 pm In Auto Warranty  

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