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Awesome Auto Warranty

Auto warranty is a service under which the vehicle is repaired and maintained by the auto dealer on behalf of the auto manufacturer. The auto warranty will be valid for a period of two to three years depending on the category of the car. Auto warranty, which ensures all round care for the vehicle, is aimed at protecting the consumers’ interest apart from providing value for money to the clients. During the auto warranty period, the cost of repairing and maintaining the vehicle will be borne by the car manufacturer. However, the cost of replacing costlier spare parts is not covered under the auto warranty. Similarly, the spare parts and accessories rendered useless on account of accidents cannot be replaced under the warranty. If there is a genuine manufacturing defect, the spare parts, including costlier ones, may be considered for replacement.

The auto warranty is of three categories. They are short term warranty, mid term warranty and long term warranty. Short term auto warranty is valid up to three months from the date of sale of the car while mid term warranty is valid up to two years. It is recommended that motorists opt for short term warranty to begin with as it gives them the opportunity to change the service provider whenever necessary.

Posted on Wednesday, November 7th, 2007 at 8:24 pm In Auto Warranty  

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