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The Auto Industry�s Development Overhaul

On The Brink Of Car Making Revolution

Auto manufacturers are done with the old and bringing out the new, pleasing an ever-so-ready public. Despite protesting from a few soccer moms, Ford is moving past the minivan madness of the past few decades to focus their manufacturing attention on SUV distribution instead. The decline of the minivan marks a truly auto warrantyrevolutionized approach to vehicle manufacturing. Ford will be releasing a new line of family sized automobiles that are more SUV-style.

As car manufacturers attempt to revitalize the auto industry with the restructuring of their products to appease America’s posh community of vehicle consumers, extended warranties are rising in car ownership importance. Covering your nice new minivan replacement will protect your investment and prevent it from becoming a money-guzzler. Since auto manufacturers are producing car models intended as much for comfort and luxury as basic transportation, the coverage counts even more. As the expense of owning a new car is set to increase, a thorough extended warranty is a vehicle owner’s saving grace when damage is done.

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Posted on Tuesday, September 5th, 2006 at 5:06 am In Auto Warranty  

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