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Consider These Safety Features When Buying A New Car

new-cars-for-2011-honda-accord.jpgSafety is one of the biggest considerations when purchasing a new vehicle, but it’s difficult to make an assessment on your own.  There are many factors to consider when looking at the overall safety of a car.  Here are a few of the most important safety issues.

First of all, you want to consider crash protection in a car.  The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety performs crash tests on vehicles from different directions to rate a car’s ability to withstand a collision.  You can access the results of these tests at

Next, take into account vehicle compatibility.  Taller vehicles have bumpers that are quite a bit higher than a passenger car’s.  This is dangerous for cars because taller bumpers hit cars above the crumple zone and often inflict great damage on cars.

Rollover resistance should also be a factor in the safety of a new car.  SUVs are three times more likely to rollover, according to NHSTA.  Rollover ratings are provided at

These are a few of the many safety considerations when buying a new car.  Consumers should do their research on such things as safety issues, car prices, and an auto warranty before going to the dealership.  It’s best to be prepared so that you can make good decisions.

Posted in Auto Warranty

Why It’s Not A Good Idea To Run On Empty

lexus-is-f-review-11-big.jpgMotorists who try to stretch out trips to the gas station may want to think about filling up their tank more often because it might cost them to run out of gas.

Running out of gas puts motorist at risk for getting into an auto accident, and it also may cause their cars damage that could have them paying for repairs down the road.

According to Allstate Motor Club, drivers are placing more roadside assistance calls than ever because they ran out of gas 68% more in the early months this year compared to the same period last year.

It seems that people are dreading paying gas prices; therefore they are putting off filling up their tanks.  These people run the risk of getting rear-ended by another vehicle and are causing mechanical problems to their cars.  For instance, the fuel pump can become damaged giving it a shorter lifespan.  This is why it is necessary for people to purchase used car warranties.

It may be tempting to drive right on past the gas station instead of filling up, but you may end up calling for road service and doing damage to your vehicle.  People need to realize that they will be paying the same amount of money anyway, so why not fill up before ending up stranded on the side of the road.

Reasons Your Car Thermostat Might Not Be Working Correctly

mugen_b_thermostat.jpgThe purpose of the thermostat in your vehicle is to regulate the temperature of the vehicle so that it remains at a desired level.  To do this it controls the heating and cooling mechanisms and controls the flow of heat that goes throughout the system.  The thermostat manages the coolant amount in the internal combustion engine.  You will find a thermostat in any liquid cooled engine.

If you’re thermostat isn’t performing correctly it may be for a few reasons.  First, if the water pump in the car is failing then the thermostat will be affected.  The thermostat can also be affected if the engine is overheated or there is coolant leaking.

You should have your thermostat checked out by your mechanic regularly.  It holds a key position in cooling your engine, so it should be replaced every few years.

Failing to replace your thermostat when it should be could give you additional problems, such as a knocking noise with acceleration, emission problems, and poor fuel-efficiency.  Unfortunately, you never know when car problems will arise, which is why you should have your vehicle serviced regularly and purchase an auto warranty for peace of mind.

Posted in Auto Warranty

Is Your Car Prepared For Summer Heat?

summer-car-wallpaper.jpgWith summer here, it is important to maintain your car.  The heat is unavoidable and it can do great damage to your vehicle.  Here are a few tips to prepare your car for summer that will help you avoid calling for road service.  In addition, used car warranties will give you peace of mind in summer heat.

First, have your hoses and belts inspected.  Many vehicles today have a serpentine belt running the accessories.  You can lose power steering immediately if it breaks.  Many other problems can also result from faulty hoses and belts.

Also, have a professional look at your air-conditioning system.  You don’t want your system breaking down in the midst of summer heat, so have it looked at now.

Tire damage can actually worsen in intense heat, so check to make sure that your tire pressure is where it should be.  Also, check for visible wear and tear since this could be an indication of poor alignment.

These simple tips can keep your car driving smoothly through the summer months and help you avoid calling for emergency roadside assistance.  Don’t neglect your vehicle and find yourself stranded in the heat.

Should You Trade Your Car In?

car-trade.jpgMany people believe it is easiest to trade in your current car when buying a new one.  However, is trading the right choice for you?  There are some advantages and disadvantages to trading.

The big advantage to trading over selling is that you have very little hassle.  You don’t have to haggle with buyers and you get rid of your car quickly.  However, the fact is that you aren’t going to get as much for your car if you trade it in.

Any used vehicle has a specific retail value.  If a dealership is going to sell that vehicle, they will have certain expenses, such as fixing dents and scrapes, cleaning it, and just overhead costs of running their business.  Therefore, the dealership has to sell it for a little more than a private owner would.

Since dealers need to make a good profit on used vehicles, they purchase them for less than the retail value.  When the dealership takes a trade in vehicle, they are essentially purchasing it from the new car customer, and at a price below the retail value.  Essentially, this is called the trade in value.

Although trading in your car is easier than going through the hassle of trying to sell your car privately, you are going to get less money for your vehicle.  If you sell your vehicle on your own, you can put the extra money you get towards important things such as an auto warranty and maintenance costs.  And with used vehicles, used car warranties are a smart choice.

Why Leasing Might Be The Right Option For You

1-year-car-lease-1.jpgThe decision to buy or lease can be a difficult one.  Car shoppers should consider more than just their budget.  Typically, leasing tends to be cheaper, but it also leaves drivers with no equity after the contract is up.  There are some important factors to keep in mind when making this important decision.

First, you should look at the cost.  Consider four factors when you’re thinking of leasing.  These are the leases length, the payments monthly, the mileage restrictions, and the down payment.  If you exceed the restrictions on the mileage you could ring up big fines.  Also, if you hold onto a lease for more than three years you will often have to replace tires and pay for other maintenance.

Next, take a good look at your budget.  Leases are almost always cheaper for short-term because there isn’t a down payment and the monthly costs are low.  However, leases end up being more expensive than buying a vehicle that you are going to keep for a decade.  This is assuming that you purchase an auto warranty with your car so that you don’t end up paying unnecessary expenses.  But if drivers prefer to have a new car every three years, leasing is the way to go.

Also, you need to consider your life plans.  If you are going through life changes, such as moving far away, or starting a family, you are going to benefit from leasing.  This will provide you with the flexibility that you need.

Consider these factors and make a decision to buy or lease based on your needs.  Just remember, if you buy, you want to be covered with an auto warranty to save you money on unnecessary repair costs down the road.

Posted in Auto Warranty

Keep Your Child Safe In The Car

child-in-car-seats600×6001.jpgWhy is it finally acceptable for kids age 13 to finally ride in the front seat of the car?  Are they finally big enough to withstand the impact of an airbag?  Are they at the age where they can behave in the front seat?

A big part of the problem is behavior.  When kids mess with the radio, and play around, they usually aren’t in a proper position when an airbag deploys.  In injuries and deaths, the proximity to the airbag in the front is a huge issue; in addition, proper positioning in the seat is a factor.  By 13, kids are more able to sit still and behave.

Around ages 11 and 12, children are also bigger physically.  This is an issue because it is hard for children to have their backs against the seatback if their feet don’t touch the floor.  This means that they scrunch down putting them in a bad position for airbag deployment.

Kids under 13 need to ride in the back seat for their safety.  It isn’t worth it to put your child in the front and have them injured by an airbag.  Parents are concerned with many things such as an auto warranty, auto loans, and maintenance, but most important is the safety of their children.

Posted in Auto Warranty

Hybrids Require Hybrid-Certified Mechanics

2008civichybrid.jpgMore motorists are deciding to switch to hybrid cars for better fuel-efficiency, however, just like any car; hybrids need common maintenance and occasional repairs.  A regular mechanic can do work that is routine, yet you will need hybrid-certified mechanics for jobs that are more extensive.

According to a Toyota service director in Tampa, hybrid work at the dealership has been small.  There are some vehicles with issues, but for the most part repairs are the result of accidents.  The most costly repair on hybrids is for battery replacement.  In a vehicle that isn’t covered by an auto warranty, you will pay approximately $3,000 just on the part.

The best thing to do is to find a technician to repair your car before you really need it.  This way you won’t have to make last minute decisions.  Also, make sure that the technician is certified in hybrid repair.

Finally, most new car warranties for hybrids cover 100,000 miles or 8-10 years.  Make sure you know if your auto warranty requires that you get service from a specific repair shop.

Posted in Auto Warranty

Can Your Repair That Crack In Your Windshield?

crackedwindshield.jpgchip-maine.jpgMany motorists have been in the situation where an object hits their windshield and a big crack shows up.  Your windshield might even end up bad enough that you have to call your road service program.  However, when do you know if it necessary to replace the windshield or if the crack can just be fixed?

Windshield repair or replacement depends on the location, size and severity of damage.  Windshield shops can usually repair chips the size of a quarter, as well as cracks reaching three inches.  For bigger damage it is recommended that you replace your windshield.

The location of the damage is also a big factor in whether you can keep your windshield.  When a crack is at the edge of your windshield it can affect the structure of the glass.  In this case it is usually best to replace your windshield.

Many facilities won’t repair a chip if it’s in the direct line of the driver’s vision.  The repair process may result in minor glass distortions, which are unsafe for the driver. After all, you don’t want to end up calling for emergency roadside assistance.

Keep in mind, whatever the location or size of the glass damage, it is necessary to have it looked at right away.  Waiting can result in dirt getting in the damaged area, which can affect the repair job.  And, always have an auto warranty to protect yourself down the road.

Posted in Auto Warranty

Make Yourself An Informed Auto Shopper

car-shopper-6237586.jpgFor motorists who like to take things into their own hands, the Internet is the place to look for valuable information.  Consumers are seeking research online to aid them in buying a new automobile, finding out about car service, and finding a good auto warranty.

A new study shows that 74 percent of people who do research on service and parts say they are utilizing the Internet more now than two years ago.  In addition, 90 percent of motorists researching service information about automobiles say that the Internet influenced their purchase.

Customers who are well informed can do a good job of describing issues for potential repair when they visit their mechanic for maintenance.  However, it can be a problem when car owners try to do significant repairs by themselves because many times they make misdiagnoses on their car.  This can end up harming their car more.

For example, if a motorist replaces the alternator because the car is having trouble starting, when in fact the battery should have been changed, it could cost hundreds of dollars to rectify the situation.

It is good for consumers to use the Web to research about cars because it can aid their mechanic.  However, motorists who think they can fix anything could end up stranded somewhere.  At any rate, it is always good to have used car warranties to protect your wallet.

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