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Should You Trade-In Your Car?

images-101.jpgMany people believe it is easiest to trade in your current car when buying a new one.  However, is trading the right choice for you?  There are some advantages and disadvantages to trading.

The big advantage to trading over selling is that you have very little hassle.  You don’t have to haggle with buyers and you get rid of your car quickly.  However, the fact is that you aren’t going to get as much for your car if you trade it in.

Any used vehicle has a specific retail value.  If a dealership is going to sell that vehicle, they will have certain expenses, such as fixing dents and scrapes, cleaning it, and just overhead costs of running their business.  Therefore, the dealership has to sell it for a little more than a private owner would.

Since dealers need to make a good profit on used vehicles, they purchase them for less than the retail value.  When the dealership takes a trade in vehicle, they are essentially purchasing it from the new car customer, and at a price below the retail value.  Essentially, this is called the trade in value.

Although trading in your car is easier than going through the hassle of trying to sell your car privately, you are going to get less money for your vehicle.  If you sell your vehicle on your own, you can put the extra money you get towards important things such as an auto warranty and maintenance costs.  And with used vehicles, used car warranties are a smart choice.

How To Go About Purchasing Car Parts

images-81.jpgMost people don’t realize that there is certain etiquette involved when buying parts at the parts counter.  Following this etiquette will allow you to get the parts that you want without unnecessary hassle and keep you from driving the staff crazy.

When you go to a parts counter at a dealership you need to have your VIN handy, which is basically the magic key to all of the car codes.  At places such as Advance Auto or NAPA, you just need to know the make, model, year, and engine of your car.

Make sure to know what the part’s name is that you need.  If this is something you don’t know, be able to describe what it looks like or what it is going to attach to.  Don’t make up a name for the part you want; this is where 90% of wrong parts come from.  If worse comes to worse, take the staff out to your car and point to the part you’re looking for.

When ordering an expensive part you want to ask about return policies and auto warranty terms.  And get the answer in writing.  This can be as simple as having him write the information on the receipt.  This will save a lot of hassle if something breaks down the line.

Finally, don’t go to the parts counter to diagnose your vehicle.  Counter-staff gets very annoyed when you try to return a part because it wasn’t even the problem in the first place.

Following these simple etiquette tips will allow you to get the parts that you need with little hassle.  And make sure you have used car warranties, because you never know when your vehicle will need to be repaired.

Is Synthetic Oil Worth Paying Extra For?

images-6.jpgMany drivers don’t know if they should be using regular or synthetic oil in their vehicles.  To determine the answer you need to consider the age of your car, it’s mileage, and what is recommended by the carmaker.

Cars that have high mileage and are older usually have engine wear that is excessive, which allows for internal oil leakage.  Because synthetic oil is thinner than regular oil it will flow more freely, and therefore it isn’t recommended for these vehicles.  By using it your car may experience internal combustion.

Many automakers today recommend synthetic oil for their engines.  This is especially true when the car has a high performance engine with high compression, high operating temperatures, and tight engine tolerances.  However, if your vehicle still has an auto warranty, you should consult your dealer before switching to synthetic oil.

Synthetic oil is a great idea in the right vehicle, but consult your owner’s manual first.  Although synthetic oil will cost you double what regular oil will, it will make your engine last longer, and it lasts longer.

Posted in Auto Warranty

When To Replace Your Shocks And Struts

images-4.jpgProbably at one time or another you have been told that you need new shocks and (or) struts.  After being quoted a large price, you might find yourself thinking, “Can I get away without replacing them?

Your shocks and struts serve two functions in your car.  Some vehicles only have struts, and some only have shocks.  Their purpose is to dampen the oscillation of springs and assist in ride control.

If your shocks and/or struts are worn, your suspension parts and tires will wear out sooner.  This is why it is important to take your vehicle in for preventative checkups.  It is a good idea to have your mechanic look at them every time you get an oil change.

There are several warning signs that might tell you it is time to replace your shocks/struts.  First, you might notice leaks on the housing or dents on the strut body.  Also, you might see high and low worn spots on your tires and pitted piston rods.  Finally, you may have rubber bumpers that are crushed from bottoming out.

Make sure you don’t cut corners when dealing with your shocks/struts.  It is essential that these parts function correctly for handling and cornering.  Purchasing an auto warranty is a good idea for motorists in order to avoid unnecessary repair costs down the road.  After all, you never know when your car will need maintenance.

Posted in Auto Warranty

Why People Love Sports Cars

images-3.jpgWhy buy a sports car?  Sports cars are not made to be practical, they are made to be fun.  They are available in various models, such as two-seat roadsters and hatchbacks.  Many models have relatively small cargo space, while others offer ample rear cargo room.  Here are some things to consider when deciding which car model to purchase.

Even car models that fall in the same categories can vary greatly in fuel-efficiency.  Make sure to do comparisons to see which models will save you money at the gas pump.

A lot of sports cars have small doors and limited head room that make getting in and out difficult.  If you’re looking for a little more ease, you might want to look for a four-door hatchback or sedan.  They often have easier access.

A sports car can have from two to five seats; depending on what model you look at.  Even cars with five seats often have a middle rear seat that is too tight for adults.  Make sure to try out the seats for comfort.  Also, consider a three-point seat belt instead of a lap belt for a seat in the center rear.

A sports car is a great choice for motorists who want an exciting ride, and aren’t concerned about cargo space.  However, it is always important to purchase an auto warranty to protect your wallet in case of unforeseen repairs down the road.

Posted in Auto Warranty

Why It Pays To Research Pre-Owned Vehicles Before Buying

images-1.jpgA lot of people are set on buying a new car.  Yet, if you can purchase a high quality used car for a portion of the price of a new vehicle, why wouldn’t you?

For instance, you will pay about $15,000 for a four-cylinder Toyota Corolla.  However, because of depreciation, that car would be worth approximately $10,000 in three years.  It would be a great choice to purchase a good used car for that low price.  You don’t just benefit in the purchase price of the vehicle, you also save money on loans and used car warranties.

Make sure to do your homework before buying a car.  You can get plenty of information about cars from the Internet and periodicals on everything from reliability ratings to the cost of an auto warranty.

Many people don’t think they have enough time to research vehicles.  Yet, it is necessary to realize that you can keep $6,000-$8,000 in your pocket just by researching for four hours.

Posted in Auto Warranty

What Is The #1 Compact SUV?

images.jpgIf you’re thinking of purchasing a small SUV you’re in luck because there are many good choices.  Compact SUVs offer practicality, fuel-efficiency, and nice style.  In fact you can find many models for under $25,000 complete with an auto warranty.  So what are the best and worst models to consider?  Read on.

The Honda CR-V is the #1 compact SUV.  It scored the highest for performance, safety, and interior.  According to reviewers, it drives really well, has a sleek design and offers ample storage room.  Following close behind, the Toyota RAV4 comes in second place in its class.  This vehicle has a surprising amount of power for its size. It now offers a V-6 engine, as well as a third row seat. The RAV4 was the first compact SUV in its class over a decade ago.  Coming in #3 is the Subaru Forester.  This SUV is known for being a fun, family-friendly vehicle.  Reviewers complained about the exterior being bland and the balky transmission, but were willing to overlook these things because it had some great positive features.

Unfortunately, there are some compact SUVs that didn’t rank as well.  In last place was the Saturn Vue Hybrid.  According to reviewers, it isn’t very refined and isn’t as fuel thrifty as many other hybrids.  Also at the bottom of the list is the Mazda Tribute because its power and handling doesn’t match its competitors.  Finally, the Jeep Compass drives more like a car, but doesn’t have the sportiness or off-road capabilities that other Jeeps have.

If you’re looking to buy a compact SUV, there are many great choices out there.  The most important thing is to do your homework and make sure you are choosing wisely.  Also keep in mind the cost of an auto warranty, maintenance costs and auto loans when determining your budget.

Posted in Auto Warranty

Gas Saving Tips By Ford

images-30.jpgEveryone is feeling the pinch nowadays, which is why Ford has put together some easy tips for all motorists, which suggest ways to alter their driving behavior.

First of all, drivers should slow down and keep a steady speed.  Consider driving 55 mph instead of 65 mph.  Just by following this simple tip you can improve your fuel economy 10-15%.  Also, by maintaining a constant speed and not pumping the accelerator you can avoid sending more gas to the engine.

Next, avoid aggressive driving to avoid wasting fuel.  Also, this will help you avoid wearing out brakes and tires.  Try to have a smooth acceleration and soft brake.

Don’t waste money idling.  Even in frigid temperatures, engines today don’t need to warm up.  After starting the vehicle, drive away gently.  Instead of idling in traffic and fast food drive-thrus, just turn you engine off.

Finally, purchase an auto warranty so that you aren’t afraid to have maintenance and repairs performed.  Maintaining your vehicle will ensure that it is running efficiently and has the best fuel economy possible.

Posted in Auto Warranty

How To Get A Car That Will Suit Your Needs

images-28.jpgMany people struggle to decide what kind of car to buy.  It can be difficult to sort through all of the vehicle options to arrive at the car that best suits you.  Here are some important factors to consider that will help you make the right decision when purchasing a car.

First of all, decide what you intend to use the vehicle for.  Don’t buy a 4WD SUV because you take two camping trips a year.  If you’re using the car everyday for commuting, you are going to want to purchase a car that is easy to maneuver with good fuel-efficiency.

Next, consider the looks of the vehicle.  You need to find a vehicle that you can stand to look at every day without getting sick of it.  If you end up with a car that makes you shudder when you look at it, you will never enjoy it.

Finally, fuel-efficiency, although not as big of a deal three years ago, is now a major factor in car buying.  Now there are options of what kind of fuel you want to burn.  For example, some options are E10, E20, compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, petrol, diesel, and B5.  All of these fuels have their benefits, so decide which will suit you the best.

The best way to get the car that is going to fit you is to do your research on various vehicle models.  Also, when doing this consider the added costs of an auto warranty, vehicle maintenance, and auto loans.

Posted in Auto Warranty

Take Your Family On A Road Trip

images-27.jpgOne of the most fun family activities is taking road trips.  Families can make a lot of fond memories traveling on the open road. However, frustration and stress can come along with a family road trip, so take note of some do’s and don’ts that will allow your family to have a great time.

First and foremost, take your family vehicle in for a tune-up.  You want to make sure your car is in top-notch condition.  There is nothing more inconvenient than having your vehicle break down on the side of the road, leaving your family stranded.  This is why you should have a road service program in case of unforeseen problems.

Make sure you plan ahead.  This will help your family know what to expect throughout the trip.  It will also help you have a smooth trip.  Software for trip planning along with a GPS will aid your family in planning the ideal vacation.  This technology will literally guide you to your destination.  And the tools that are easy to use allow you to personalize a trip from start to finish.

Of course, you are bound to run into some speed bumps along the way.  For instance, you never know when you will run into road construction or traffic. However, don’t let your fun be ruined, just make sure you have emergency roadside assistance in case your vehicle overheats.  This will bring you peace of mind and let you enjoy your family.  In addition, protect yourself with used car warranties.

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