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Archive for February, 2010

Is It Always Beneficial To Downsize?

With the poor economy, drivers are trading in their big gas-guzzlers for fuel-efficient cars.  Yet, while that makes sense, if you switch too soon you might be looking at more overall car costs than you’ll save on gas.  According to Consumer Reports, downsizing is beneficial in the long run if you time it right. A […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

How To Touch-Up Scratches On Your Car

Buying a new vehicle is an exciting event in most people’s lives.  People often want to flaunt their priceless possessions for everyone to see.  Drivers purchase an auto warranty to protect their jewels, and treat their cars with loving care. In addition, they try not to let their vehicle get any scratches. A car that […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

How To Make Your Car Look Brand New

Many people maintain their car under the hood but neglect their car’s exterior.  To freshen up your car and make it look brand new, follow these simple tips. To care for your car’s exterior start by giving it a comprehensive washing.  You’ll want to remove all of the mud and grime that has built up […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

Make Sure To Read The Fine Print When Car Shopping

There are many great deals out there on new cars, yet you need to understand the offers.  For example, are there any “restrictions”, “qualifiers”, “exclusions”, or “limitations”?  Make sure you know how to read the fine print. Often, dealerships offer incentives that are regional.  In other words, you must live in the area to get […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

GPS Interfaces Are Distracting Drivers

Satellite navigation devices, or the popular GPS interfaces that many motorists have in their vehicles, are, partly responsible for a large share of accidents and driving practices that are risky. With about half of the motorists on the roads having access to devices such as these in their vehicles, it appears that this technology has […]

People Have Special Relationships With Their Cars

It’s common to show affection to the people you love, but we don’t want to forget to give some thought to our vehicles.  A lot of us find our vehicles to be more than just another asset.  They are such a big part of our lives because we depend on them to get us where […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

Are We Safer With Four-Wheel Drive?

According to auto experts, it makes sense that four-wheel drive would make drivers and passengers safer.  Every year, more new cars are being sold with the option for all-wheel drive and four-wheel drive.  However, does it make sense for you to purchase one of these vehicles?  Do you really need it?  And are we actually […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

What Are The Terms Of Your Auto Warranty?

There is nothing worse than getting your car repaired and hearing, “It isn’t covered under your auto warranty.”  Often, motorists are confused because they assume that certain repairs are covered.  Drivers need a little education to understand more about their new car warranties. People need to understand that an auto warranty isn’t an entitlement, but […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

When Is It Time To Change Your Oil?

The recommended intervals for oil changes have increased a significant amount over the last ten years.  It used to be that oil changes were recommended every 3,000 miles, but now recommendations are for every 8,000 miles.  This is great news for drivers because it means less time at the mechanic and less money spent.  However, […]

Can You Convert Your Car To Electric Power?

For drivers who are sick of paying the high fuel prices and who aren’t willing to wait for automakers to put affordable electric cars on the market, CNN has reported that car owners are doing conversions on their gas powered vehicles to make them electric powered. The conversion has been described as “surprisingly easy”, which […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

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