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Purchasing an auto warranty can be a risky affair if the prospective car owner is not aware of the rules and regulations governing the warranty. If the car owner does not want to explore the rules, it is better to hire the services of a professional auto consultant. The auto warranty assures the repair and maintenance of the vehicle for a maximum period of three years from the date of its sale. During this period, the cost of repairing the vehicle will be borne by the vehicle manufacturer. The auto warranty takes care of the vehicle’s power train, brake mechanism, engine, steering system and drive train. In auto warranty, there are three categories. They are short term warranty, long term warranty and medium term warranty. The duration of short term warranty is three months. The duration of long term warranty is three years and the duration of medium term warranty is decided by the auto owner. It is recommended that initially car owners buy a short term warranty.
The advantages of purchasing a short term warranty are multiple. If the service provided by the agency concerned is not satisfactory, the car owner will have the freedom to change the agency. That will not be possible if the car owner has opted for a long term warranty.

Warranty is an assured service given by a product manufacturer to the customer. Under the US law, all consumer products have to be sold with a warranty. As per warranty rules, if the product develops any technical problem or mechanical snag during the first two or three years, it has to be rectified by the manufacturer. If the product is found to be defective, then it has to be replaced. This service has been evolved to protect the interests of the consumers and also to provide value for their money. Similarly, warranty is given to automobiles, called auto warranty. The auto warranty assures protection for vehicles from any wear or tear when the warranty period is in place.
Under the auto warranty, the vehicle manufacturer will repair and maintain the engine, power train, brake mechanism, steering system and drive train. The repairs are carried out by the auto dealer in association with a third party agent. However, the repairs or replacement of certain spare parts cannot be carried out under the warranty. This is possible only if the defect has occurred at the manufacturing level. Also, the spare parts and accessories damaged in road accidents cannot be repaired under warranty. Check with the local auto dealer for more details.

A warranty is a specialized service under which a product manufacturer assures to service and maintain the product for a specified period of time from the date of its sale. This service is aimed to maintain goodwill with the customer apart from providing value for money. During the warranty period, if there are any manufacturing defects in the product, the defects will be rectified. If the products are minor consumer care appliances, they may be even replaced by the manufacturer. All consumer products carry a warranty. Even automobiles come with some sort of warranty. The warranty for cars and vehicles is called auto warranty.
The auto warranty, which is issued up to a maximum of three years, is of two categories. They are used car warranty and new car warranty. The used car warranty is given to used cars or preowned cars. The used car warranty is also called as after-market auto warranty. The new car warranty is issued to brand new cars released from the showrooms. Both, new car warranty and used car warranty, is offered by the auto dealer on behalf of the vehicle manufacturer. The services under auto warranty are rendered by the auto dealer periodically in association with a third party agent, which has nationwide presence.

Many car companies today compete with one another in offering quality services to its customers. Some offer free insurance and others boast of free services or auto warranty. Whatever the case the customers are no doubt allured by these free stuff being offered. Whatever the brand or however big the car might be an auto warranty is very imperative. It takes cares of all the sudden and unexpected repairs and malfunctions that you might face.
You can never really foresee the performance of your car unless you really start using it. Ones you roll down your brand new car you might find the gear too hard to handle or the wheel alignments horrible. Maybe the doors just refuse to open or the engine gives a funny sound then and there. When you get an auto warranty you can just walk into the car service center and correct all these faults in no time and with no extra cost.
Any auto part or and damage or repair which comes under the warranty is done mostly free of charge. Some warranty services also offer other major repairs with a discount. Whatever be your need it is always safe and secure to have an auto warranty in hand. You never know how handy this policy might turn out to be one fine day. It can save you, your vehicle and your precious time through its extended services.

Have you decided to buy a new car? Do not hesitate to get an auto warranty for the new car you are about to purchase. You might think it is unnecessary to get the warranty for a new car. But the benefits that an auto warranty can give cannot be brushed aside so easily. Nothing is predictable these days and everyday we have to face new challenges. You never know how your new car might operate and when you get a warranty you can be assured of the free services from the car company for the set period of time. Any spare parts or repairs, which might arise, can be set right during the warranty period.
Usually the car company might give an auto warranty for twelve months. But then it is always good to get an extension period for your warranty as the initial warranty period expires. Some third party companies also provide auto warranty but it is essential to carefully go through all the possible repairs and services the auto warranty covers. The warranty certificate is yet another added security for you and your vehicle. Any repair or malfunction that affects the proper functioning of the car is generally covered by the warranty. Any repair or replacements caused due to some accident or carelessness of the vehicle owner is not eligible for the warranty work.Â

An auto warranty or a car warranty as it is also know, is a service specially designed to ensure repair and maintenance of your car for a longer period of time. An auto warranty automatically entitles a car for any types of repairs and damages from the date of its release from the showroom.
There are basically two different types of auto warranties. There are new car warranties, which are specially issued for brand new cars. Similarly there are used car warranties issued to pre-owned cars.
There are many advantages of possessing an auto warranty for your car. If the car develops a mechanical problem or failure, the repair costs are borne under the warranty clause. Likewise, some spare parts can also be replaced under the auto warranty clause. An auto warranty can cover different vehicle specifications including power train, engine, braking system, steering system, ignition and drive train.
It’s very important to protect your car with the right warranty. Do not get caught up with fraudulent warranties. You need to be tentative while selecting the best auto warranty service for your car.

Purchasing an auto warranty can be tricky task if you are not aware of the rules governing the warranty. Therefore, it is suggested that you hire the services of a professional auto consultant before finalizing the warranty. The consultant will provide a number of tips to make the most of the warranty. However, the first and foremost tip is to avoid warranty loaded with offers. Generally, auto dealers are known to offer fancy warranties to the customers and they often lack execution. It amounts to misleading the customer. Therefore, opt for a flexible warranty, which has a short duration. This will not only enable you to evaluate the performance of the service provider, but change the agency if the service provided is not up to the satisfactory level.
Every auto dealer has tie ups with at least three different independent agencies for the auto warranty. Therefore, review at least five different auto warranty offers before finalizing one. The reviews are available with the local auto dealer. Always, keep track of the laws governing the auto warranty. There is a separate law for both kinds of auto warranty, such as new car warranty law and used car warranty law.

All motorists with adequate car care opt for an auto warranty. The auto warranty comes in two categories. The two categories of auto warranty are new car warranty and used car warranty. While the used car warranty, also known as aftermarket auto warranty, is issued to pre-owned cars or used cars, the new car warranty is issued to brand new cars. There are separate laws governing both categories of warranty. The rules governing new car warranty is called new car warranty, the laws governing the used car warranty is called used car warranty law, also known as lemon law since it is protective in nature. The lemon law was evolved after a number of customers were duped from fraudulent warranty. Plenty of features are offered in a fraudulent warranty, but none are delivered. Therefore, always opt for a genuine warranty irrespective of the cost angle.
The auto warranty is issued by the auto dealer in association with the car manufacturer. Any manufacturing defect can be rectified or the spare part concerned replaced in the warranty period. However, the warranty does not take care of the replacement of expensive spare parts or those damaged in road accidents. Review multiple warranty offers before settling for one.
Under US law, all consumer products have to carry warranty, which guarantees replacement of a spare part if found faulty within a specified period of time from the date of its sale. The period is called the warranty period. The warranty is issued to all categories of consumer products, including cars and autos. The warranty issued to cars is called automobile warranty.
The auto warranty is issued on the basis of time as well as distance covered by the car. For instance, the warranty will be in place for up to two or three years from the date of the sale. The warranty will also be in place up to 30,000 miles covered by the vehicle. There is a third basis, which is an combination of time and distance. It means the warranty period will be in place till whichever of the two expires first.
There are two types of auto warranty. They are new car warranty and used car warranty. The new car warranty is issued to brand new cars while the used car warranty is issued to pre-owned cars. The used car warranty is also called as an aftermarket auto warranty. The used car warranty is costlier when compared to new car warranty.

Auto warranty is a repair and maintenance service provided by the auto dealer on behalf of the auto manufacturer. Under US law, all consumer products, including vehicles have to be given a warranty. Normally, the warranty period extends up to two or three years from the date of its sale depending on the product. This program was created to protect the interests of the consumers and to provide value for their money. Since warranty is an important non-negotiable instrument, there are a number of fake warranties in circulation in the market. It is suggested that auto owners watch out for fraudulent warranty.
A fraudulent auto warranty is nothing but a general auto warranty loaded with a number of features. It is called fraudulent when the features and promises made in the warranty are not delivered. It amounts to cheating. However, there are clauses mentioned in the warranty which makes the non-delivery of the services genuine. Car owners would have been forced to sign the document without careful reading. Therefore, it is suggested that the car owners review at least five different warranty offers before selecting the warranty. If that appears to be a difficult task, employ the services of a reputed auto consultant to select the warranty.