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GM and Ford sales Fall in May

Honda and Toyota sales rise in May.

May is no longer known for having kids, but for buying foreign cars. Toyota and Honda sales climb for the month of May. Rising interest rates and rising gas prices have contributed to the lowest sales from GM and Ford of all time, but Toyota and Honda saw double digit sales increase.

GM sales fell nearly 16 percent due to cut back in rental company sales.  Rental companies are now switching to Honda and Toyota. Trucks and SUV sales were also down a whole 10 percent.  This was a record setting year for foreign auto manufactures and most analysts suggest that things will continue this way until Ford and GM refocus and revamp their strategy.

However, it seems, at least through commercials, that GM and Ford are both busy advertising about their fuel flex vehicles that are hitting the market. But, I’ve actually yet to see a fuel flex vehicle on the road. So, I wonder if GM and Ford’s strategy will work.  

See Also

Posted on Monday, June 5th, 2006 at 6:06 am In Auto Warranty  

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