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Archive for June 23rd, 2008

Is Graduated Driver Licensing The Key To Teen Safety?

Unfortunately, car crashes are the #1 cause of death among teenagers in our country.  Also, 1 out of 3 teens has a car accident their first year of driving.  What can we do to help our teens stay safe on the road?  Some people think that graduated driver licensing (GDL) is the answer. With GDL, […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

When Should You Downsize Your Vehicle?

With gas over $4 a gallon around the nation, drivers are trading in their big gas-guzzlers for fuel-efficient cars.  Yet, while that makes sense, if you switch too soon you might be looking at more overall car costs than you’ll save on gas.  According to Consumer Reports, downsizing is beneficial in the long run if […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

Maintain Your Car To Keep It Lasting Longer

With the high gas prices and poor economy, drivers are feeling the pinch.  And while you don’t have control over costs, such as gas prices, maintenance, and an auto warranty, you do have the power to maintain your vehicle’s value by making it last longer.  Your choice is to buy a new vehicle every few […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

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