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Archive for March 7th, 2009

Should You Trade In Your Car?

Many people believe it is easiest to trade in your current car when buying a new one.  However, is trading the right choice for you?  There are some advantages and disadvantages to trading. The big advantage to trading over selling is that you have very little hassle.  You don’t have to haggle with buyers and […]

Tips To Keep The Inside Of Your Car Clean

You might find that your car has become a mess from kids, pets, friends, etc.  But how are you supposed to keep it clean with kids spitting up and people having four-course meals in your backseat?  Let’s face it; it can be hard.  However, here are some tips to help you get started. You might […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

Car Maintenance Can Save You From Expensive Repairs

Many motorists don’t realize that a little bit of routine maintenance can keep you free of expensive car repairs.  And most maintenance takes no more time than refilling the fluid for your windshield wipers.  Here are a few tips to help keep drivers safe and free of trouble. Make sure to change your oil every […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

Important Features To Consider In A Family Car

It can be difficult to find a car that is suitable for the needs of a family.  In fact, consumers can often feel overwhelmed with all of the choices.  So, what are some necessary considerations when purchasing a family car? First, most families are in search of an affordable vehicle.  This typically means that the […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

Don’t Be Afraid To Negotiate A Car Purchase

Do you find that you are apprehensive about negotiating with an auto dealer?  Shopping for a vehicle doesn’t have to be nerve-racking, however, you need to be aware of a few things that you shouldn’t say to a dealer. First, you shouldn’t start talking about monthly payments, instead focus on negotiating the purchase price.  It […]

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