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Archive for March 4th, 2010

How Long Until America Goes Totally Hybrid?

Imagine one day waking up to find that the only vehicles on the roads, in driveways, and in parking lots were electrics or hybrids. CNW Marketing Research made some calculations to determine when America would become completely hybridized, and could stop depending on Middle Eastern powers for barrels of oil. Based on the amount of […]

Can You Trust Your Mechanic?

Unless you are actually a mechanic yourself, it may require a leap of faith to deal with a repair shop.  However, paying attention to your mechanic’s actions can give you clues to their honesty.  Here are some things to look out for. If your mechanic says you need to flush your engine right away, or […]

Posted in Auto Warranty

How Do Men And Women’s Taste In Cars Differ?

If you ask a woman if she would like to buy a Dodge Viper, chances are she will say “no”.  This car is a V-10 two seater that starts at approximately $80,000.  Although this may not be a woman’s cup of tea, studies show that many men would like to have this car.  Like many […]

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