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With used cars, there are more chances of mechanical problems. So, when an individual wants to buy a used car, he should do his due diligence. This is because the used cars have major drawbacks that should be taken into consideration. Primarily, a car buyer should look out for signs of ‘cut and shut’, which is indicative of the fact that the car has met with a serious accident. In case you lack this experience you should take someone who is knowledgeable and of course, a test drive is very essential.
However, after taking the necessary precautions, some major damages and breakdowns cannot be anticipated. For such purpose, the warranty becomes all the more necessary. Warranty refers to the agreement made by the car dealer to the consumer to bear the expenses if the car does not function properly during the stated period of time.
But, car warranties are an emerging business and due to rigid competitions, there are great programs and benefits offered to the used car owner. Thus, the warranty buyer should always check the original warranty or if the extended warranty is still effective or not. It is also essential so that a car does not prove to be of any trouble in the long run.

Posted on Thursday, October 4th, 2007 at 8:36 pm In Auto Warranty  

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