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Warranties can be defined as an assurance by the seller for his goods or services to the perspective buyers. The contract gives the buyer the right to claim damages or to obtain compensation if the product is not satisfactory or as stated by the seller at the time of the sale. It calls for the seller to repair or replace the faulty parts within the specified time period. It is essential to research a warranty before making the purchase of the automobile. The automobile manufacturers provide the car warranty which is usually included in the cost of the car. Another type of car warranty is the aftermarket car warranty, which is an extended coverage. Most automobiles require frequent repairs with the passing of time.
Warranties can be either bought from dealers or a third party company. But buying the warranty from the dealer is the safer option compared to the third party company as they provide the long term security. But the coverage provided by the dealers is typically less when compared to other companies or an unauthorized dealer. Warranties not only provide you with the peace of mind knowing that the vehicle is safe, but they also give you an opportunity to select the repair shop of your choice. The contract of warranty should be well drafted and should state all the necessary clauses. The aftermarket car warranty gives you mental peace and assurance that the vehicle is safe. Buying a warranty for the car is as essential as buying a life insurance policy for yourself or the loved ones.

Posted on Friday, May 25th, 2007 at 7:17 pm In Used Car Warranties  

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