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An Auto Warranty Will Help You Maintain Your Car

images-112.jpegA car is one of the largest investments that people will make, except for a house.  The investment doesn’t just include the sticker price on the window of the car; it also includes maintenance, gas, insurance, an auto warranty, and depreciation.

Luckily, vehicles made today are designed in such a way that they can run for approximately 15 years and over 100,000 miles.

Although some costs, such as insurance, new car warranties, and fuel are out of the hands of the consumer; owners can maintain their car in order to improve their sale price when it is time for the car to be traded in.

A well-maintained car can add thousands of dollars more into your wallet when you go to sell.  The money that you save can then be put towards buying your new car.

Studies show that almost 50 percent of drivers hold onto their vehicles from one to four years.  This means that people need to know their car’s true value in order to sell.

The bottom line is, be good to your vehicle.  Buy an auto warranty so that you can make repairs when needed and maintain your vehicle.  When it comes time to sell, you’ll be happy that you did.

Posted on Friday, February 29th, 2008 at 8:02 am In Auto Warranty  

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