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Assessing Your Vehicle Accurately Before Selling

images-210.jpgIf you are thinking of selling your car you need to make a proper assessment of your vehicle.  Sometimes it can be hard to see your vehicle the ways others see it, because you have a special connection to it.  Here are some tips to help you.

Some car owners trick themselves into believing that their car is worth more than it really is.  People are convinced that their car is in excellent condition when it actually has a lot of where and tear.  Even if you have an auto warranty and have tried to keep your vehicle maintained, know that it is a used car and it isn’t as fresh as when you bought it. When you are trying to sell a used vehicle its condition is the most important thing, so assess it honestly.

It is best to give an honest disclosure as to your cars true condition.  In most cases you don’t need to go to a body shop to get your car looking perfect.  People know they are buying a used car and don’t usually want to spend the extra money on a perfect body.  The best thing that you can do is to take your car to get a wash and wax.  This is equivalent to a houses curb appeal. This will make your car look its best without spending a fortune.

If you are trying to sell your car make sure you make an honest assessment of your vehicle.  You don’t want to hold onto a vehicle waiting for money if your never going to get it.

Posted on Saturday, June 26th, 2010 at 7:36 pm In Auto Warranty  

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