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Auto Warranties: Don’t You Wish There Were Driver Warranties Too?


Used cars have warranties and extended warranties. New cars have warranties. Don’t you wish that drivers had warranties too? Something to certify that a driver is guaranteed to possess courtesy, common sense and good driving skills before they are licensed?

Alas, that is not to be. All of the cars around you are protected by warranties but their drivers come with no guarantees. That is why it is incumbent upon you to learn to drive defensively.

What follows is an abbreviated list of defensive driving how-to. Go directly to the article for more details.

  1. Allow enough space ahead.
  2. Look ahead.
  3. Have an escape route.
  4. Don’t depend on other drivers.
  5. Keep your speed down.
  6. Adjust for hazards.
  7. Avoid frequent lane changes.
  8. Use lights and signals.
  9. Keep a proper driving position.
  10. Wear your seat belt.
  11. Cut out distraction.

Be sure to pass these along to your teenage driver too.

Posted on Wednesday, March 7th, 2007 at 6:05 am In Auto Warranty  

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