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Best auto warranty tips

When purchasing the car, you need to understand the difference between car manufacturer auto warranty and extended auto warranty. If purchasing a new vehicle manufacturer auto warranty covers all wear and tear of the car for the duration of the car warranty such as the cars transmission, however it doesn’t not cover tires and brakes. You need to follow auto warranty tips to use your auto mobile successfully. This will help you in reducing your bills of car repair.

It is a very good idea to investigate and understand in detail, the different car auto warranties available at the time of purchase. By doing this, it may save you 1000’s of dollars in vehicle repairs in the future. The last thing you need to discover when there is a fault with the vehicle is, you have to fork out 1000’s for repairs.

There may be options available to the consumer whereby they can represent themselves at the arbitration however given the complexity of the lemon law, this might not be a good idea as the car dealer or vehicle manufacturer may try to exercise loop holes in the lemon law and thus getting away with paying or repairing any claims made against them.

Posted on Monday, December 10th, 2007 at 7:57 pm In Auto Warranty, New Car Warranties  

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