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Beware of fancy features

An Auto warranty is a mandatory repair and maintenance service promised by the vehicle manufacturer in association with the vehicle dealer for a period of time. The auto warranty takes care of the repair of the car and the replacement of inexpensive spare parts. Therefore, beware of warranties, which offer fancy features since they are often not found useful or undelivered.
At the time of purchasing the auto warranty, at least for at least offers from five different agencies. Since the warranty is loaded with features, it is better that the review of the warranty is carried out in detail. If possible, hire the services of an auto consultant, who can guide you in buying the best warranty. Otherwise, you may end up in long term contracts with the auto warranty firm. You may not also be in a position to change the service provider.
The auto warranty comes in two categories. The first category falls under the time basis and the second category under the distance covered by the vehicle. Opt for a warranty, which is an amalgamation of the two. To begin with, opt for a flexible warranty package. In case you are not satisfied with the service, you have always have the freedom of changing the provider.

Posted on Thursday, September 20th, 2007 at 3:24 pm In Auto Warranty  

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