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Buying American Cars Will Help Improve The Economy

images-93.jpgAmericans need to take action immediately to help the nation’s economy improve and bring back American jobs.  Americans have purchased 11 million foreign vehicles over the last 10 years.  That is equal to about $25.5 billion exported out of the U.S. economy.  Buying American cars with an auto warranty would improve the economy greatly.

It seems that Americans have become numb to the on-going announcements that the “Big Three Auto Makers” are cutting jobs and closing plants.  This year alone, Ford Motor Co. announced that they were closing three plants and cutting more jobs.  Chrysler Motors had to close three plants and cut approximately 12,000-15,000 jobs.  GM announced a loss of $11.8 billion in the first quarter of 2008, which is its second largest loss ever, and also had to close plants.

Over the last 10 years American cars have improved greatly in quality.  In fact, J.D. Powers has recognized that American cars have had substantially higher improvement in comparison to their foreign competition.  It’s time for Americans to change their way of thinking and buy American cars.  And consumers can always rest assured that they won’t be paying unnecessary costs if they have new car warranties.

Posted on Saturday, August 1st, 2009 at 7:52 am In Auto Warranty  

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