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There are a number of expenses that are incurred after buying a car. A car is a machine and just like any other and it requires a regular servicing and maintenance for its efficient performance.

When we buy a car, we don’t calculate the long time expenses that come with it. Initially the car seems to give an impression of a good purchase, but as time passes the expenses related to it increase. These expenses are related to the maintenance and the money spent in getting the car faults corrected.

There are a few companies that provide a car warranty at the time of purchase of a new car. This warranty is known as aftermarket warranty, and is meant to cover all the expenses that you incur in maintenance and in fault rectification of the car.

There is a fixed amount that you are charged in the beginning for getting the warranty done. This fixed amount is determined by the initial cost of the car. Initially this may seem to be an expense, but for those who are planning to keep the car for a long time, this warranty certainly would prove to be a good investment.

Posted on Wednesday, October 17th, 2007 at 5:10 pm In Auto Warranty  

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