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Develop A Relationship With Your Service Shop

images-66.jpegIt may be tempting to go to one of the giant retail chains that seem to be popping up everywhere for auto service, but is it smart?  Well, there’s something to be said for building a relationship with your auto repair facility, and with a large chain, it’s not likely to happen.

Think about it, you go to a mass retailer for a repair, and then after a year the part fails.  Yet, when you go back to the original location for an auto warranty claim, the first thing they ask for is your receipt.  If you don’t have the receipt you’re out of luck.  Chances are they will have no recollection of you or your car from the previous year.

Many people make the mistake of looking for a service shop just on the basis of price.  However, you need to consider other factors when choosing a shop.  Imagine how nice it would be to build a relationship with a shop where the mechanic recognizes you and your car and you feel a loyalty. We’ve all been in an emergency situation where we need a repair done that day.  If you have a relationship with your mechanic, chances are that he will be more likely to squeeze you in.

Ultimately, the choice is up to you when choosing a service shop.  However, keep in mind the benefits of being able to feel loyalty from your mechanic.

Posted on Saturday, June 14th, 2008 at 2:27 pm In Auto Warranty  

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