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Drivers Of Large SUVs Have A False Sense Of Security

images-23.jpgOften, drivers who have a big SUV feel a false sense of security.  People feel that just because they are in a large vehicle nothing can happen to them.

Yet, the truth is that SUVs are much more likely to roll in an accident than other cars.  And approximately 35% of fatalities in car accidents occur because of rolling.  Also, it was recently discovered by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety that the strength of a SUVs roof is directly correlated to the risk of injury to the occupants.  In other words, if a vehicle’s roof is made stronger, it can reduce injuries.

The U.S. government currently requires cars to be able to withstand a force 1.5 times the car’s weight before it reaches 5 inches of crush.  For safety reasons, the government would like to change that to 2.5 times the weight of the vehicle.

Drivers never know if they are going to be involved in a car accident.  Drivers should protect themselves by buying a safe vehicle, having a good auto warranty, and taking safety precautions while driving.

Posted on Tuesday, June 8th, 2010 at 5:21 pm In Auto Warranty  

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