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Electric Cars Are The Focus At The Auto Fair

images-6.jpegBoth electric powered cars, and enormous gas-guzzlers were displayed over the weekend at the Lowe’s Motor Speedway car show. Officials at the track said the display was “From Mean to Green.”

Electric cars were available, and even reasonably priced, leaving motorists with extra money to spend on an auto warranty and maintenance costs. For instance, there was the Zap. It can be found at dealerships all over the country for approximately $11,000. It travels at around 50 MPH and will ride on one charge for 20 miles. This is the sort of vehicle that is important to America’s future.

Also available at the Auto Fair were vehicles that were expensive and flashy. These cars keep their charge for about 100 miles, and are not very different from cars that operate on gas. The main difference is that they are much cheaper for motorists to drive. This allows drivers to spend money on a much needed auto warranty.

Posted on Friday, April 4th, 2008 at 6:20 am In Auto Warranty  

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