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Ford Is Trying To Start A ‘Movement’ With its Fiesta

images-54.jpgGetting the word out about a new product that meets the driving needs of young people, or a cynical attempt at branding oneself as “hip” by latching onto Millenials?

This question must be asked after the announcement by Ford about its scheme for advertising for the Fiesta, which is the European compact car that Ford is bringing to the U.S. in 2011.  This “Fiesta Movement” entails giving the keys of 100 Ford Fiestas to “100 socially vibrant Fiesta Movement ‘Agents’”, which will expand on their driving experiences on websites like YouTube and Facebook.

If you look at it from a business standpoint, the campaign is smart.  After all, Barack Obama proved that tapping into America’s youth could win you a Presidency.  In fact, Millenials are going to account for around 70 million motorists by the year 2010, or 28% of drivers who haven’t yet gotten the chance to develop loyalty for a particular brand.

Only time will tell if the Fiesta will catch on as a “movement”.  However, regardless, people are anticipating its arrival.  Information about pricing and new car warranties is yet to come.

Posted on Tuesday, February 24th, 2009 at 8:19 pm In New Car Warranties  

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