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Gas Prices Could Go Down To $3 This Fall

images-82.jpgAs the stock market plummeted and the number of jobs lost are at an all time high, many people have missed the big drop in fuel prices. Today, the average gas price across the nation is $3.50, according to AAA. That price has gone down since the record high of $4.11 in July.

According to experts, gas prices would be even lower right now if it weren’t for the fuel shortages in the South resulting from Hurricane Ike. If $3 gas is to become the norm again, you have to wonder if the large shift from buying large SUVs to small cars is going to reverse.

Almost every carmaker has made a shift in its production plans toward making cars with better fuel economy, and it is unlikely that gas prices of $3 per gallon will cause plans to change. Even if lower fuel prices are going to stay for a significant amount of time, the poor economy might still prevent car shoppers from purchasing large SUVs, despite the large discounts. Chances are consumers will still be purchasing small fuel-efficient vehicles, or hold onto their current vehicles and buy used car warranties.

Posted on Thursday, October 9th, 2008 at 11:37 am In Used Car Warranties  

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