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Getting an Aftermarket Auto Warranty from a Dealer


When you purchase a new automobile from the dealer, the automobile is covered with a factory guarantee. This guarantee will pay for repair charges of your automobile for a definite time period or mileage whichever happens earlier. After the initial factory warranty gets expired, you might prefer to buy a continued warranty. Any kind of warranty given to you by a dealer or a third party apart from the initial factory warranty is called an aftermarket car auto warranty.

Guaranties can be purchased either from a 3rd party company or through a dealer. Purchasing the warranty from a dealer is the most secure method since they will endorse the warranty in future if there is a need. Sometimes agents who sell an after market auto warranty simply vanish and you may face a tough time finding the network garages for repairs and claim your benefits. Nevertheless, warranties purchased from dealers are costlier, and at times present lesser coverage as compared to warranties purchased from 3rd party companies. Irrespective of where you purchase the warranty coverage from, take time to do a bit of research first. You need to be certain that you are buying it from an A grade company prior to dealing with them. A number of 3rd party concerns are members of risk-retention, under-funded groups as opposed to casualty insurance and true property groups. By purchasing your warranty from a dealer, you can be certain about stability.

Posted on Thursday, August 2nd, 2007 at 7:35 pm In Aftermarket Auto Warranty  

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