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Help for your used car

Used cars can be great bargains. Especially for the first time car buyers. However, any car owner needs to protect their investment from any unforseen situation. The best option is to choose a Used Car Warranty. It is vital for your peace of mind and it will help your car to remain hassle free for a long time. Further more, you will not be under any financial pressure since these warranties are very affordable.

Used Car Warranty is also covered by laws of the state to help protect the consumers from any shady deals or unwarranted situations. Though the law may vary from state to state, the basic rules remain the same. They are as follows:

1. The new customer should have paid a price for the vehicle between $1,000 and $3,000.
2. The vehicle purchased cannot be older than 2 to 6 years.
3. The car must be used for only personal use. Family and household use is also considered.

Based on the above mentioned clauses, the used car dealer must provide free service to repair any damages for up to 30 days from the date of purchase of the car. The limit can however be up to 1,500 miles. It depends which comes first, 30 days or 1,500 miles. But for cars which are bought at prices higher than $3, 000 the limit changes to 60 days or 3,000 miles whichever is earlier.

The warranty is effective and practical for all the used car owners.

Posted on Monday, April 16th, 2007 at 6:23 pm In Used Car Warranties  

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