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Choosing an auto warranty can be a tricky job if the prospective buyer is not aware of the rules and regulations governing the auto warranty. Under such circumstances, it is advisable that vehicle owners hire an auto consultant to select an appropriate warranty for the car. There are separate laws governing the auto warranty. The laws meant for new car warranty is called new car warranty law. The rules guiding the used car warranty are called used car warranty laws, also known as lemon law since it is protective in nature.

Since the used car warranty is costlier when compared to the new car warranty, there are a number of fraudulent warranties in float in the market. Fraudulent warranty, by definition, are routine warranties with plenty of promises. The promises are of features and services offered on the warranty, but often not delivered. This amounts to breach of trust by the warranty service provider. Watch out for auto warranty that is loaded with a number of features. Always opt for a flexible warranty of short duration. In case you are not happy with the service provider, it can always be changed. Review at least five different auto warranty offers before settling for the best that suits the vehicle.

Posted on Friday, October 19th, 2007 at 3:39 pm In Auto Warranty  

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