How Often Should Your Car Receive An Oil Change?
The answer is that it depends on the type of oil you use in your car and also how you tend to drive your car. Usually, it is recommended that you get an oil change approximately every three thousand miles. Though if your car is newer and has a newer engine and more improved brand of oil you can get an oil change approximately every five thousand miles.
When thinking about how often you should change your car’s oil, it is a good idea to check the manufacturing recommendations in your owner’s manual. If you bought an older car and don’t own a manual for it, you can order a manual from the manufacturer or go online to look up the recommendations.
When it is time for an oil change you can either do it yourself, if you know how to, or bring your car to a mechanic and they will do it for you. The advantage to bringing your car to the mechanic is that during your oil change they can do a diagnostic check on the car and if they find any problems they will tell you right away and also fix the problem more quickly. It is better to be aware of and to fix problems in advance before something unexpectedly happens to your car. You should also consider getting an auto warranty from an aftermarket auto warranty company that sells new car warranties and used car warranties, depending on what warranty is best suited for you. This could help save you money on costly repairs in the future.