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Keep Your Kids Safe In The Car

images-31.jpgFamilies think of the safety of their children as a top priority.  Unfortunately, among children age’s 3-14, car accidents are the number one cause of death.  Parents need to take extra precautions in order to help their children stay safe.  They can do this by having an auto warranty to ensure that repairs are performed, and properly restraining children by using car seats correctly.

More than 1,500 children under the age of 14 were killed in car accidents in 2003.  In addition, 220,000 injuries occurred.  However, using a car seat effectively can reduce these incidents drastically.  In facts, studies show that deaths are reduced by approximately 70%.  Alarmingly, about 75% of car seats aren’t installed properly.  Also scary is that half of the deaths are children who aren’t restrained at all.

General Motors recognized this problem by creating a program called Safe Kids Buckle Up.  This program helps parents understand how important it is to restrain children correctly.  The program has inspected over 900,000 car seats around the nation.

Posted on Sunday, June 7th, 2009 at 5:00 am In Auto Warranty  

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