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Mitsubishi Leaves Australia

mit.jpgAustralian auto-makers are now only three now that Mitsubishi closed its Adelaide plant yesterday.  The closing will effect the community as it has cost it 930 jobs.

Even after receiving millions of dollars in government grants Mitsubishi said its Australian plant and operation had lost over $1.5 billion dollars during the past 10 years leaving no choice but to close its Adelaide manufacturing plant effective next month.

Repercussions  and jobs lost among car parts suppliers and other businesses that relied on the plant will be significant.  Australia’s Innovation and Industry Minister said the pullout was seen coming for quite some time and was immminent. Nevertheless, it was still very disappointing.

Mitsubishi manufacturing closure in Australia comes 16 years after Nissan’s closure of their plant in Victoria.

The industry’s fear now focuses on Ford which is one of three remaining car-makers left operating in Australia in addition to Toyota and General Motors.   Mitsubishi has assured owners of its cars and trucks, including the 380 model, that they would continue to provide parts, auto warranty and service support from its network of dealers.

The company also said that past and future buyers of the remaining 380s would automatically get an extension of the original 3 year auto warranty to 6 years.

Posted on Tuesday, February 5th, 2008 at 3:42 pm In Auto Warranty  

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